Coppice Rise
North Yorkshire

01423 562650

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Harrogate, a Voluntary Academy

"Let all that you do be done in love." (1 Corinthians 16:14)

Communication and Parental Involvement


School Newsletters are sent home every Monday by email to inform parents/carers of events in school and any dates for your diary.

Absence from school

We have an excellent attendance record and are committed to improving this further. We ask parents to let us know by telephone, note or in person the reason for a child's absence from school. If we do not receive a reason we have to enter the absence on the school records as an unauthorised absence.

We discourage parents from taking any holidays in term time, please see our Attendance webpage for further information.  

Please try to avoid booking medical or dental appointments during the school day.

If your child has a medical or dental appointment during school hours, please let us know in advance.

Parental Involvement

The partnership between school and parents is considered critical in developing the child to his/her full potential. Communication is essential and parents need to be kept informed as to how their child is working and behaving. We have an open-door policy.

Parent Teacher Consultations

A parents meeting is held at the beginning of the first half of the autumn term to ensure that children have settled into their new classes. In March, another parents evening is held where parents have the opportunity to discuss their child's progress with class teacher and to set targets for the rest of the year. Pupil report cards are sent home at the end of the autumn and spring terms, with parents given the opportunity to discuss these with the class teacher. In July, every pupil receives an end of year school report with parents given the opportunity to discuss this with the class teacher before the end of term.

Parents are welcome, at any time, to make an appointment to discuss their child's progress, or any matters arising, with the class teacher. The Headteacher, Mrs Delahay is always happy to speak to parents - please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Delahay via the admin email address

Complaints Procedure

In the case of a complaint by a parent about any aspect of the curriculum or a related matter, the Academy Council has endorsed the formal complaints procedure established by the Local Education Authority:

  • The complaint should be discussed informally with the Executive Headteacher and Head of School or staff of the school.

  • If not resolved the matter should be referred, in writing, to the Chair of the Academy Council. Please address correspondence to Mrs A Field who can be contacted at Alternatively, please address all communication in a sealed envelope and hand to the School Office who will pass this onto Mrs Field.

  • If still not resolved the matter should be referred in writing to The Bishop Wheeler Academy Trust for the attention of Mr D Beardsley, Chief Executive Officer.

Voluntary Helpers in School

Parents have an important part to play in the educative process. They are encouraged to come into school and, under the direction of the class teacher, to work with and support groups of children at selected times during the school week. In addition, the assistance that parent volunteers can give with Educational Visits is most valuable and ensures that these activities can be planned with confidence, knowing that an appropriate level of adult supervision will be available.

In this world where more of our parents and carers are working longer hours, we would welcome the talents and skills of Grandparents who may have more time to spare.

All volunteers will be DBS checked and two references will be obtained before volunteering in school. 

Pastoral Care

The Governors and staff of the school aim to create an environment where pupils and parents feel secure, valued and welcome. The safety and welfare of each pupil is of prime importance. The Head Teacher's responsibility is shared by the teaching staff and supervisory assistants employed in the school.

A close partnership between the home and school is considered to be extremely supportive and beneficial to all concerned. Parents are encouraged to contact school at any time by email, telephone or visits for matters of a more immediate or urgent nature. There are Open Days for parents, arranged annually.

In case of accident or illness the school operates an emergency telephone link with parents. For this reason we ask you to ensure that any change in your contact details is notified to the school office.

Medication in School

It is very important that the school is informed about children's medical problems and whether a child needs an inhaler or other medication. In the first instance, if children are unwell they should not be sent to school.

Most medication can be administered at home and we request that you organise times just before/ just after school whenever possible. If medicine has to be given during the school day, please bring it to the school office where a medication consent form must be completed before any medicine can be administered in school. Please note that only prescribed medicine with an appropriate pharmacy label can be given to any child. Medicines are not kept in the classroom with the exception of emergency response medicines such as inhalers.  

Behaviour Policy

We have a well-established behaviour policy in school and all children are expected to adhere to it. Rewards and sanctions are included in the policy. These are clearly explained to all children at the beginning of each academic year. Parents can request a copy of this policy if required.