Catholic Values and 'British Values'
This is a Catholic school which seeks to live out the values of Jesus Christ.
We promote these values by our words and deeds, and Catholic doctrine and practice therefore permeates every aspect of the school's activity.
We provide a Catholic curriculum, which is broad and balanced, recognising that every pupil is unique and is created in the image of God (Gen 1: 27).
Our curriculum is designed to enable every pupil to discern their vocation and to be well-equipped to follow it as a active citizens in service to the world.
Catholic Religious Education is the "core of the core curriculum" (Pope St John Paul II - 26.3 92) and the foundation of the entire educational process.
We also provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities and strong pastoral support. We incorporate democratic principles, value the rule of law, support individual liberty and foster a community in which different faiths and beliefs are respected.
having a School council;
voting for class representatives to the council;
studying the development of sovereignty and government in Britain over time;
raising awareness of current affairs with the children at an age appropriate level;
Through 'The way, the Truth and the Life' (TWTTL) scheme :
Many ways to serve others
Becoming aware of our God-given gifts and reflecting on how we can use them to help others.
The Rule of Law
adopting and embedding a strong Positive Behaviour/ Anti-bullying policy which contains clear rewards and sanctions;
arranging visits from the Police service to reinforce the message of right and wrong
Through 'TWTTL' scheme:
The great Commandment
The teaching of Jesus
The Ten Commandments
The New Commandment
What is sin & reflecting on the consequences
Individual Liberty
interviewing pupils to enable them to give their opinion sand views on their experiences of school life;
providing regular opportunities for children to work collaboratively within their own year groups and across year groups.
Through 'TWTTL' scheme:
Belonging to a family and also the family of the Church
Our responsibility as stewards of the Earth; God’s personal gifts to us
Enabling Catholic students to know and understand what they believe about their Catholic faith
Mutual Respect
our school values of Grow, Include, Challenge, excel and Respect
adopting and embedding a strong Positive Behaviour/ Anti-bullying policy which contains clear rewards and sanctions;
marking 'Remembrance;
Through 'TWTTL' scheme:
Actions & consequences
Being responsible for our behaviour
Know that we are called to work for justice and speak out against injustice
The Mission of the Church
Forgiveness takes courage
Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs
visiting places of worship for other faiths and receiving visitors from other faiths in school;
recognising and celebrating cultural celebrations for children from different countries within our school;
raising money for those in need locally and internationally i.e. the Harrogate Homeless Project and CAFOD;
Through 'TWTTL' scheme:
Being a Christian and loving one’s neighbour
To be a Disciple of Jesus & living the Beatitudes
Striving for justice: refugees; Oscar Romero; Martin Luther King; Rosa Parks, among others.
Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism.
What the Catholic Church teaches about other faiths
Examples of people of other faiths and that the goodness in the minds and hearts of these people is deeply respected by the Church
Knowing that God’s Holy Spirit has been at work in all religious traditions.
The gift of God’s grace is absolutely free and available to everyone