Coppice Rise
North Yorkshire

01423 562650

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Harrogate, a Voluntary Academy

"Let all that you do be done in love." (1 Corinthians 16:14)

PSHE & Citizenship

We follow the PSHE Association Scheme of work which aligns with NYCC. At St. Joseph’s Primary School, personal, spiritual, moral, social, cultural, health and citizenship education is embedded throughout the curriculum. We aim to help pupils to become confident, independent and responsible citizens who can contribute to the life of the school and community. Pupils develop the knowledge and understanding they need to lead healthy and safe lifestyles. They learn to reflect on behaviours and attitudes and develop an understanding of their rights and responsibilities. At St. Joseph’s we provide opportunities for pupils to take on roles of responsibility and represent others through our School Council and our Mini Vinnies.

PSHE and Citizenship Framework September 2020

PSHE Policy 2023-2024

Relationships and Health Education

Also referred to as Relationships, Sex and Health Education

Please see the results of the recent survey regarding the teaching and learning of RHE in St. Joseph's.

Relationship Sex and Health Education Policy 2023-2025

DfE guidance

RSHE Ten:Ten Curriculum Pathway 2023-2025

RHE (Relationships and Health Education) has become a statutory subject for all schools. Any teaching about love and sexual relationships in a Catholic school must be rooted in the Catholic Church’s teaching about what it is to be truly human in Christ, what it means to live well in relationship with others and be presented within a positive framework of Christian virtue.

We follow Ten:Ten’s new programme for Catholic primary schools, Life to the Full, which teaches Relationships Education and Health Education within the context of a Christian understanding of human sexuality rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Catholic Church. The framework of the programme is taken from the Model Catholic RSE Programme by the Catholic Education Service, which has been highlighted by the Department of Education as a work of good practice.

Here is a link to the Ten:Ten Resources Parent Website for further information. You will need the details emailed by the office to access the Parent Portal.