School Council 2023 - 2024
The School Council have been really busy during this Spring Term. They prepared and delivered this years Internet Safety assembly to the whole school, this year’s theme was about “Inspiring change and making a difference”.
They also helped to organise, promote and run The Gadget Stall as part of Science Week, selling lots of exciting Science toys and having lots of fun in the process!
They have now embarked on a new project - encouraging safe parking and slow driving outside our school. They had a super idea to encourage this - look at the photographs below to show their innovative approach to keeping our school safe.
2022-2023 School Council
Our School Council play a very important role in school. They meet regularly to discuss suggestions and ideas about how to improve our school and represent their class during meetings. This year, the School Council will be working on fundraising projects for our new prayer garden and will deliver assemblies throughout the year. Their first assembly will be during anti-bullying week where they will discuss this year’s theme ‘Reach Out’.
Safer Internet Day 2023
The School Council reminded everyone about the importance of staying safe online. They prepared and delivered a whole school assembly, reminding everyone how to be SMART with a heart online.
Anti-Bullying Week 2022
During Anti-bullying week, the School Council led an assembly. They talked about the theme of difference, promoting the message that we are all different, special and unique and invited the children wear odd socks to school to celebrate difference.