Coppice Rise
North Yorkshire

01423 562650

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Harrogate, a Voluntary Academy

"Let all that you do be done in love." (1 Corinthians 16:14)

Welcome to Year 1! We are looking forward to a fantastic fun-filled year ahead.

We have lots of exciting learning planned and we can’t wait to see where the year takes us! Keep a look at our class page to keep up to date with all of our learning.

-Mrs Wilkins and Miss Kitching

Our Classroom...

Year 1 Blog

June 2024- Children had an amazing time participating in sports day! They were brilliant at working as a team in their houses and showed excellent sportsmanship.

May 2024- In PE, the children have been learning all about cricket. They have loved applying their skills when using a cricket bat correctly.

April 2024- This term the children have been preparing for sports day, they have been learning all about athletics. Here is a snapshot of the children practising javelin!

March 2024- World Book Day 2024! The children have enjoyed writing their own story based on their literacy book 'The Queen's Hat' called 'The Pirate's Hat'. In RE they have made puppets and retold the story of 'The Good Samaritan'. They have also loved taking part in a book swap with Reception! They gave us the story 'Man on the Moon', a foam astronaut and lots of fun activities to complete!

February 2024- In DT, the children have been identifying different fruits and vegetables. They have enjoyed exploring the appearance, texture, smell and taste. They especially loved making their own smoothies!

February 2024- The children have had the best day trying out our new orienteering course! 

January 2024- The children have been exploring high and low pitch. They have been creating superhero names and playing a tune that matches.

December 2023- The children had a fabulous Christmas day yesterday! They came in their favourite Christmas jumpers, had a tasty Christmas lunch and a surprise visit from Father Christmas!

November 2023- The children have had a wonderful time visiting York Railway Museum, looking at how trains have changed through time. They were super excited to see Stephenson's Rocket, a steam locomotive that changed how trains were used. We loved seeing the Mallard which broke speed records for steam locomotives and many more! We also became engineers, exploring how to build and drive trains in the play area. What a fab day!!

October 2023-This week the children have been inspired by the artist Molly Haslund, they have enjoyed using their bodies and different resources to make circles and spirals on the playground and in their art books.

September 2023- The children have been learning about The Creation Story. They enjoyed retelling the story using actions and they loved using play dough to show the different days of creation.

July 2024- As part of the children's science topic, they went on a trip to Tropical World! They were looking at the different animal groups and identifying which animals were mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, birds or fish. What a brilliant day!

May 2024- The children have been exploring different materials in science. They applied their knowledge of materials when doing some comparative testing. The children were testing to find out which material is the most absorbent and which is the most flexible.

April 2024- In history, the children have been learning about Emmeline Pankhurst. They have loved finding out about equal rights and were shocked to find out how women were treated in the past. They have made some posters to support equal rights!

February 2024- For our last PE session the children got to experience UV dodgeball! They had the best time developing their skills whilst glowing in the dark!

January 2024- The children have enjoyed programming their beebots! They have used them to retell different fairy tales.

December 2023- KS1 shared an amazing performance of the nativity 'Superstars!'.  You all really were SUPERSTARS! 

December 2023- In DT, the children have been exploring wheels and axles. They have analysed how vehicles move and know that they need wheels, axles and axle holders. They have applied their learning and designed and made their own moving Christmas vehicle!

October 2023- The Month of the Rosay...

September 2023- The children used observation and fieldwork to find the human and physical features of St Joseph's.